Submission of Paper Proposals

All submissions of paper proposals shall be made at registration. A paper proposal consists of author(s), title and abstract of the paper. Paper proposals will be reviewed by the IPC and be organized into conference sessions.

For review and documentation purposes, we require titles and abstracts for all proposals to be submitted in English. The conference language is English. If you will be presenting in Chinese, please also supply an equivalent title and abstract in English.

Subject Coverage
The theme of the 15th International Conference is “Science and Civilization on the Silk Road”. We construe this theme broadly, and encourage studies of the History of Chinese Science, Technology and Medicine at the global, national and local levels, across all periods, and from a variety of methodological and historiographical approaches.

Presentation Format
Paper submissions will normally be assembled thematically into groups of 4 presentations per 90-minute session. You should prepare a presentation of around 15 to 17 minutes’ duration, to be followed by 5 minutes of audience questions.

Each paper session will be chaired by a Conference participant chosen by the organizing committee, who will co-ordinate questions at the end of each presentation.

All the Conference presentation rooms are equipped as standard with a Windows PC running Powerpoint, Media Player, etc; LCD projector (beamer); projection screen; and audio speakers. Microphones will be available in the largest rooms. Requests for additional equipment may be made via the Abstract Submission Form, but cannot be guaranteed.

Submitting your Proposal
A link to the submission form will be available in this page in due time. Those interested in proposing a paper presentation should read carefully the guide-lines which will be provided on the form itself when completing it.
The deadline for submitting paper abstracts is 10 May 2020.